The Wellspring

A 12-month Celtic Recovery Journey

Sobriety, much like nature, follows its own rhythm of growth, reflection, and renewal.

In the realm of sobriety practices, the annual Celtic calendar offers a unique and profound perspective that can be both thoughtful and inspiring. By intertwining the rhythms of nature with personal growth, the Celtic calendar provides a framework that aligns harmoniously with the journey of sobriety. 

One of the key aspects of the Celtic calendar is its connection to the cycles of the earth. Just as the seasons change, so too do our lives go through transformations. By acknowledging and honoring these natural cycles, we cultivate a deeper understanding of the ebb and flow of our own personal journeys.

By following the 12-month Celtic calendar, we infuse our sobriety with ancient wisdom and a deep connection to the natural world.

You’ll learn to attune to the cyclical nature of life, receiving the lessons that each season brings.

These festivals are anchors, reminding us we are a part of a greater tapestry of existence.

This mindful and holistic approach to recovery leads us to a place of profound gratitude, purpose, and serenity on the path home to ourselves.

Group Coaching

$200 monthly for 12 months annual membership


$2,000 annual membership includes a bonus 1:1 coaching call

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with more information.

What’s Included

  • Annual Guided Journey

    Experience a comprehensive year-long program that takes you through the cycles of the Celtic calendar, aligning with the seasons and festivals for a transformative recovery journey.

  • Bi-monthly Calls

    Engage in a total of 24 expert-led calls over the course of the program. Each month, you'll participate in two distinct calls: one focused on teaching and processing, while the other centers around community connection and celebration.

  • 1:1 Coaching or Q&A Calls

    Receive personalized attention with two dedicated 1:1 coaching or Q&A calls per year. Address your specific concerns, gain clarity, and receive tailored guidance on your recovery path.

  • Flexible Call Schedule

    Flexibility of attending calls at various times, including group calls that are recorded for your convenience. Schedules may vary, so this program is designed to accommodate your needs.

  • Supplemental Teachings

    Access a dedicated community space enriched with supplemental teachings, resources, and materials. Deepen your understanding of the Celtic calendar and its application to mindfulness, self-reflection, and recovery.

  • Weekly Transformative Emails

    Stay engaged and inspired with a weekly dose of emails. Emails will focus on teaching, implementing practical strategies, integration and reflection, and celebration.

  • Align with Natural Cycles

    Embrace the wisdom of the Celtic calendar, which harmoniously weaves the cycles of nature with your personal journey. Develop a profound connection to the ebb and flow of life, mirroring your own growth, reflection, and renewal.

  • Mindful Sobriety

    Immerse yourself in a unique approach to sobriety that combines ancient wisdom with modern recovery principles. Foster a mindful and holistic approach to your personal growth and well-being.

  • Thoughtful Integration

    Learn to seamlessly integrate the teachings of the Celtic calendar into your daily life. Develop practical strategies for weaving mindfulness, self-reflection, and celebration into your recovery journey.


  • Virtual group calls are twice a month and will revolve around the Celtic calendar. Once you join, the call date and time is shared.

    You also get TWO private 1:1 calls to schedule within the year and if you pay in full, you’ll get THREE 1:1 calls with me.

  • No, this is a 12-month journey and commitment to the seasons of sobriety.

  • Absolutely. The wisdom of the Celtic calendar is for everyone!

  • Not at all. The Celtic calendar celebrates 8 significant festivals and follows the seasons throughout the year. It’s intuitive, and we’ll discuss it extensively in our group calls.

  • You can join The Wellspring any time that feels right for you. There may be a particular season or holiday that would feel like a sacred space to connect your recovery and this new adventure. Let your intuition be your guide.

  • Yes! The Wellspring is a group coaching model. While we build community and focus on areas of recovery, 1:1 coaching is great for accountability and working on specific tools and goals regarding sobriety.

  • I’m glad you noticed! There was a time when the word “magic” scared me, and I believed I would open myself to harm if I spoke it out loud! My spiritual growth has led me to a place of expansion and a deeper understanding that the Divine is everywhere. Magic and mystical encounters are an invitation to embrace that understanding and engage with grace. If it is helpful to use the word “enchantment” or “wonder” instead of magic, please do.

  • All group calls will be recorded and available for replay. Group calls will also be offered at various times, giving folks multiple opportunities to attend live.

  • Absolutely not. Our healing journey is cyclical, not linear. Following this unique model allows us to explore deeper healing with each passing season.

Group Coaching

$200 per month for 12 month annual membership


$2,000 annual membership

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to join the meetings and community platform.